Paper Submission
The deadline for paper submission is over. If you submitted a paper and it has been accepted please submit final camera ready version of your paper.
Papers must be prepared at the highest level of quality for inclusion in the conference proceedings. All papers must be: written in standard English and prepared in compliance with the paper formatting template. The review process is single-blind, i.e. author(s) cannot see the reviewers.
Papers must be prepared using IEEE templates for conference proceedings.
Submissions need to be submitted in pdf format through the Easy chair conference papers submission system.
Preparation of papers
Page Limit: The maximum page limit is 6 inclusive of figures and tables. Please note that CYBCONF 2015 offers the option to buy up to two extra pages for submission (for the cost look here).
Language: The official language for the conference is English. Less than satisfactory English usage may form the sole basis for rejection of a paper and omission of any such final paper version from the conference proceedings. Authors whose native language is not English are encouraged to check their papers for proper English spelling and grammar using tools such as English grammar checkers available with most word processing application software. Alternatively, proofreading support from a native English-speaking colleague or technical editor may suffice. Some authors may be interested in the paid service available at the following link: for the final version of the paper.