Camera ready submission
Referees suggestions
Please kindly address all referees suggestions. Final acceptance is conditional on appropriate response to the requirements and comments. Please, provide your response to reviewers' questions in addition to the revised version. Please upload separated PDF file with your response.
IEEE requirements
Please asssure that your final manuscript has been prepared in full accordance with the IEEE requirements (format A4).
Additional requirements:
- Please make sure NOT TO NUMBER your pages.
- Use headline style capitalisation in the paper title (capitalization of all words, except for internal articles, prepositions and conjunctions).
- Make sure you included names and affiliation of all authors.
- Make sure you included keywords.
- Do not insert any footers or headers.
If your final manuscript does not comply with the formatting requirements, you will be asked to rectify and resubmit until all formatting requirements are satisfied.
The maximum page limit is 6 inclusive of figures and tables. Please note that CYBCONF 2015 offers the option to buy up to two extra pages for submission (for the cost look here).
If an accepted paper is found to have plagiarized, the paper will be removed from the proceedings.
Copyright notice
Add the copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document (left aligned).
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is:
U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright - For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:
978-1-4799-8322-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 Crown - For all other papers the copyright notice is:
978-1-4799-8322-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
The following latex commands can be used to insert the standard IEEE copyright notice in your paper (in this case the third copyright notice is used). Add these before the “\maketitle” command.
\IEEEoverridecommandlockouts \IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{ 978-1-4799-8322-3/15/\$31.00~\copyright~2015~IEEE} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}
MSWord users can use: ‘Insert’ -> ‘Text box’, insert the appropriate copyright notice in the texbox, and place the box (without border) at the bottom left on the first page. Use Times New Roman 9pt.
You may see an example here.
Preparing final pdf with IEEE PDF eXpress
The paper must be re-submitted even if the reviewers indicated that no change is required, since the final pdf version should be IEEE PDF eXpress compatible. To prepare IEEE PDF eXpress compatible files:
- Go to IEEE PDF eXpress Website. ( Click on the link "New Users - Click Here" and fill in your information.
- Create IEEE PDF eXpress account (conference ID: 35529X) (or login with your old email/password and conference ID: 35529X).
- IEEE PDF eXpress account will be available from April 30, 2015
- Use IEEE PDF eXpress to convert your source file into IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s). The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.
- Submit the converted file at our online submission system.
Copyright Form
In order for your paper to be published in the conference proceedings, a signed and scanned IEEE Copyright Form must be submitted for each paper. Templates are in PDF and MS Word files.
IMPORTANT: No paper can be published in the proceedings without being accompanied by a Completed IEEE Copyright Transfer Form.
After completion of the above steps, please submit:
- your final camera ready paper (PDF),
- author response to reviewer comments,
- signed and scanned copyright form,
as a zipped archive using your CYBCONF 2015 Easychair account. To do that choose Update files (at the top right corner) -> Final manuscript submission.
Condition for including a paper in the conference proceedings is that at least one of its authors has to be registered and the registration fee is paid. The details on registration are available here:
For publication related enquiries, please contact the Conference Organizer