Cognition in Mixed Realities (CogMiR 2015)


Virtual environments and the technology that enables them have been getting more sophisticated at an exponential pace. In this session, we will focus on the effect of virtual environments on cognition in general. In particular, how emotions, decisionmaking, and cross-modal integration are affected by different features of a virtual environment. We will also explore a related issue of the effect of gaming environments on perception and learning. Finally, we will consider how to design
effective multi-modal systems that can be used to enhance or suppress specific affective responses while in a virtual environment.

List of topics

We solicit research papers as well as system demos related to the topics of:

  • ambient intelligence
  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • multi-modal interfaces
  • context-aware systems
  • emotion stimulation in virtual environment
  • metaphors in virtual worlds
  • cognitive systems
  • cognitive enhancement
  • affective virtual characters
  • gaming environments and gamification
  • ethical issues connected to any of the above

Information for authors

The submitted papers should present results of original and unpublished research. The papers will be reviewed by the CYBCONF 2015 International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and will be included in the conference proceedings. Papers must be prepared using IEEE templates for conference proceedings. All papers must be submitted electronically via the conference submission system.
We are also considering a postconference publication of extended verions of the best papers in a high quality JCR journal (to be confirmed).

Important dates

Paper submission: March 15, 2015
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2015
Final paper submission and Early registration: April 30, 2015
Conference: June 24-26, 2015


Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Jagiellonian University, AGH University of Science and Technology
Bipin Indyrkhya, Jagiellonian University, AGH University of Science and Technology
Michał Klincewicz, Jagiellonian University, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin,,

Program committee

Joachim Baumeister, University of Wuerzburg
Cathy Ennis, Trinity College Dublin
Arjan Egges, University of Utrecht
Bipin Indurkhya, Jagiellonian University, AGH University of Science and Technology
Jason J. Jung, Yeungnam University
Michał Klincewicz, Jagiellonian University, Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Jagiellonian University, AGH University of Science and Technology
Zerrin Yumak, Nanyang Technological University
Krzysztof Walczak, Poznan University of Economics
Michał Wierzchoń, Jagiellonian University